How did it get to be July? The 28th even, and a year later? Well i have not been idle that's for sure.
Many aprons, many tasty treats, and a few cooking disasters later. All is well in my world.

    I am currently on a bit of a vacation to visit my daughter Nicole in Texas. Hot state that it is, I will survive.
Today it is 101! I love air conditioning! Everyone should have it.
The reason for this trip? To go over final wedding plans for her Sept 17th wedding in our yard. All is well at home while I am away. The grass is still green and the pool is not. Thank goodness! One less thing to be worrying about. Weeds on the other hand have gotten out of control! And I mean crazy out of control! So that will be number one on my list of to dos when I get home. Maybe not quite this bad, but you get the idea.

    Until next time, Suzette

PS... Black Berries are ready! Get picking
How on earth did it get to be the 30th of April! This month has gone by so fast! I have been making aprons like crazy but they don't make it to the site because they are sold before I can post them. What a bad problem to have!
Well tomorrow is May day and another start! So come on sun and keep on shining!
You know those nights you just can't think of anything for dinner, let alone think of anything else?
Well, there's always pancakes! They are just the thing. Warm, steamy, stacked high...

Love them! Big dinner plate size or silver dollar, it doesn't matter. Comfort food at it's finest. Makes you want to cook in your bathrobe doesn't it? And hearing maybe snow? Well, we will see about that.

According to Betty (Crocker that is)...A heavy griddle is best for even browning of cakes (soap stone is ideal). Moderern griddles require no greasing...follow directions.
Good evening to you all! I'm so excited to share with you wisdom from the kitchen table! Thats just where it all starts. Ideas that we come up with over coffee or in our sleep sometimes. Who knew! Our family of 5 spent nearly a year in the home of my grandparents while a home was beeing prepared for us on thier property. During that time my grandmother taught me many things including how to cook. I'll be sharing tips and secrets with you along the way. I hope you will enjoy time spent here at the kitchen table. Goodnight!
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    This is Auntie Suzette.
    These lovely aprons have been calling to be made for over two years and now they have come about!
    They are brought to you by a division of She's the Cats Meow Bridal alterations.


    July 2012
    April 2011
    February 2011

